Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthdays and Bella

In typical Jack fashion I booked Vanessa's ticket to India to leave on the 30th of July leaving a day before my birthday thinking that she would be in India in time for the blessed event. Oops, I need to learn a little more about time change... I spent the day cruising the city of Delhi counting down the hours until she arrived. I did go out for an amazing meal in which the butter chicken was absolutely mind blowing. I finished the night in a nice hotel drinking KingFischer watching the 'Remember the Titans' Movie with subtitles, ah the joys of traveling.

More importantly Vanessa finally arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can not explain how awesome it is to be with her again, traveling without her is ok, but sucks at the same time as adventure is much better shared.

We cruised around Delhi and overwhelmed Ness with the smells, sights and unending sounds of Delhi. We celebrated my birthday by finding an incredibly out of the way restaurant that had me asking over 20 tuk tuk drivers to take us there over a 6 hour period. We ended up sight seeing in between just because we couldn't find it. My stubbornness is annoying and yet it pays off once in a while. Ness gave me an amazing gift of patience because I hate giving up when I want to find a place in chaotic cities.

We flew out of Delhi at 5 am to Upaipur where we currently are. The romantic, lake city of Udaipur, where the infamous James Bond movie 'Octapussy' was filmed. Ness and I are staying in a quaint little hotel overlooking the water, a nice change from my scuzzy backpacker hotels which I have been frequenting.

Hope all is well back home !

Jack and Ness

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