Friday, July 30, 2010

Luxurious Travel in India

I have been hearing complains about my spelling and grammar is the wonderful blog and I am going to blame it on the Engrish I have been constantly speaking the last two weeks. I believe the English is having an effect on my superb handle of the English Language.

Well I have been waking up early here in India to preparation of early morning hockey when I get back and I am on my way to before a morning person, well kindof...

I left Macleod Ganj by taxi at 7am and went to Daramasala. From DAramasalla I took a bus to Kangra. From the Kangra bus station I took a Tuk Tuk to near the Train station. I then had a pleasant walk over a suspension bridge to the train station. I then took a 3rd class local train for 6 hrs for the whopping total of 16 ruppies or about 25 cents. I had to stand with my bags on for the first two hours, but it was incredible scenery through the mountains. I then finally got a seat. I had told myself that if I hadn't I was going to bribe someone as I was sick of standing up. The train car had about 30 seats and there were at least 60 people on the train and then may people hanging off both sides. The people were really nice, constantly offering me mangoes, coconut, bedi smokes, I took a lot of photos and the people loved seeing themselves in the display afterward. As a seated passenger I had a duty to help others with their luggage through the windows, hold children if parents did not have seat and of course I was a novelty and the constant stares were ok, as I have started making crazy faces back at people to amuse my self.

After I arrives in Panakot, I was told that there would be a train to Chandigarh. Unfortunately I should have brought my Lonely Planet, as there was not and I then had to take a cycle rickshaw to the bus station for another 6hr bus to reach Chandigarh, then I tuk tuk to a couple of hotels as most of the city seems to be full right now. Oh the life of the luxurious traveler....

I am just sight seeing today is the clean town of Chandigarh and it is incredibly hot.

Perhaps the most important news is 2 more sleeps until I see my Bella!!!

I hope all is well with all of you out there and happy birthday to Kath!


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