Monday, July 26, 2010

Macleod Ganj- Home of the Dalhi Lama

Lotsa of local buses on roads that reminded me of crazy Asia road of times gone past. I think if any Asian bus driver would imagrate to Canadian they would be put in Canadian prison for being insane as soon as they drove.I guess the single lane highways with soft shoulder certainly do not help there cause.

After recovering in Amistar in a A/C room fit for a backpacker seeking luxury, I heading to the train station with no idea how to get to Macleod Ganj. People said it was a bus and then a taxi at around noon. So I arrived at 11am just to be safe. I got on a somewhat nice A/C coach for a couple of hours until they told me I needed to get off and they pointed at a rickety old clunker and said I need to get on it for an hour then another to the place I could get another bus to Macleod Ganj. Needless to say it reminded me of our last trip to Asia after getting into Macleod Ganj 8hrs later and it was dark.

DWell in the offical home fo the Dalhi Lama, it is backpacker haven, but it was quite nice after not seeing another white person for a full day. There is a full chockerblock of cultures here. Tibetian refugees, Sihks, Hindius, hippies and tones of middle age women from all over the world on the Eat pray love curcuit and of course backpacker who are slowly turning into dirty hippies.

The Dalhi Lama is usually home for a couple days a year and he is not home right now, but there are plenty other gues who like his sense of style wondering the streets.

The rains also came today, I bought a giant umbrella for $4 and set off to see the country side. I think I am at the foothills of the himalya mountain and they are huge, maybe not as tall as the Rockies, but increbily steep, it is a wonder how people build things here and any wonder that what they have built has not fallen into the steep river ravines below, as well.

I have been in India for about a week and I am contantly asked to have my picture taken with Indian people, I kindof feel like a celebrity, but it is getting a little old. Being stared at, not glaced at for most of your day can get annoying, but I guess it is the cost of not being as tanned as them.

I am heading back to Delhi in the next couple of days after I explore the Dahli Lama's temple and a bit of the tibetian history. Then off to the Rat temple in Rajastian.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister Vonnie!!!

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