Saturday, July 24, 2010

Amristar and Delhi Belly

Took a great train ride up North to get out of the chaos of Delhi. Indian trains are great if you pay the extra $10 for a six hour journey you can travel in comfort. I am in a place called Amristar in Punjab India right next to the Pakastan border. It is home to the Golden temple which is like Mecca for Sihks. It is crazy the amount of people in this massive temple. I opted for the free accomodation in the temple and ate with the pilraming sihks, it was very cool and definitly a cool experience. I stayed in a massive dorm and then at about 6:30 it hit, delhi belly.... When I was able to bet out of there I found a nice Air conditioned hotel to chill out in and recover. I always think I am a hardcore traveler, but I am not I am soft. I think I am heading to Mcleod Gang home of the Dalhi Lama today, but I am unsure as no one really know when the bus leaves... If not I am going to head to Bikaner.

1 comment:

  1. I'm telling you Jack... go 5 star! It will be a welcome respite for the sweet young thing that you are! K
